Fred2.TAPPrediction Module


class Fred2.TAPPrediction.PSSM.APSSMTAPPrediction

Bases: Fred2.Core.Base.ATAPPrediction

Abstract base class for PSSM predictions. Implements predict functionality


The name of the predictor

predict(peptides, **kwargs)

Returns TAP predictions for given Peptide.

Parameters:peptides (list(Peptide) or Peptide) – A single Peptide or a list of Peptide
Returns:Returns a TAPPredictionResult object with the prediction results
Return type:TAPPredictionResult

The supported lengths of the predictor


Parameter specifying the version of the prediction method

class Fred2.TAPPrediction.PSSM.SMMTAP

Bases: Fred2.TAPPrediction.PSSM.APSSMTAPPrediction

Implementation of SMMTAP.


Peters, B., Bulik, S., Tampe, R., Van Endert, P. M., & Holzhuetter, H. G. (2003). Identifying MHC class I epitopes by predicting the TAP transport efficiency of epitope precursors. The Journal of Immunology, 171(4), 1741-1749.


The name of the predictor

predict(peptides, **kwargs)

Returns TAP predictions for given Peptide.

Parameters:peptides (list(Peptide) or Peptide) – A single Peptide or a list of Peptide
Returns:Returns a TAPPredictionResult object with the prediction results
Return type:TAPPredictionResult

A list of supported Peptide lengths


The version of the predictor

class Fred2.TAPPrediction.PSSM.TAPDoytchinova

Bases: Fred2.TAPPrediction.PSSM.APSSMTAPPrediction

Implements the TAP prediction model from Doytchinova.


Doytchinova, I., Hemsley, S. and Flower, D. R. Transporter associated with antigen processing preselection of peptides binding to the MHC: a bioinformatic evaluation. J. Immunol, 2004, 173, 6813-6819


The name of the predictor

predict(peptides, **kwargs)

Returns TAP predictions for given Peptide.

Parameters:peptides (list(Peptide) or Peptide) – A single Peptide or a list of Peptide
Returns:Returns a TAPPredictionResult object with the prediction results
Return type:TAPPredictionResult

A list of supported Peptide lengths


The version of the predictor


class Fred2.TAPPrediction.SVM.ASVMTAPPrediction

Bases: Fred2.Core.Base.ATAPPrediction, Fred2.Core.Base.ASVM


Returns the feature encoding for peptides

Parameters:peptides (list(Peptide)/Peptide) – List of or a single Peptide object
Returns:Feature encoding of the Peptide objects
Return type:list(Object)

The name of the predictor

predict(peptides, **kwargs)

Returns TAP predictions for given Peptide.

Parameters:peptides (list(Peptide) or Peptide) – A single Peptide or a list of Peptide
Returns:Returns a TAPPredictionResult object with the prediction results
Return type:TAPPredictionResult

The supported lengths of the predictor


Parameter specifying the version of the prediction method

class Fred2.TAPPrediction.SVM.SVMTAP

Bases: Fred2.TAPPrediction.SVM.ASVMTAPPrediction

Implements SVMTAP prediction of Doeness et al.


Doennes, P. and Kohlbacher, O. Integrated modeling of the major events in the MHC class I antigen processing pathway. Protein Sci, 2005


Encodes the Peptide with a binary sparse encoding

Parameters:peptides (list(str)) – A list of Peptide
Returns:Dictionary with Peptide as key and feature encoding as value (see svmlight encoding scheme
Return type:dict(Peptide, (tuple(int, list(tuple(int,float))))

The name of the predictor

predict(peptides, **kwargs)

Returns predictions for given Peptide.

Parameters:peptides (list(Peptide) or Peptide) – A single Peptide or a list of Peptide
Returns:Returns a TAPPredictionResult object with the prediction results
Return type:TAPPredictionResult

A list of supported peptide lengths


The version of the predictor

Module contents

class Fred2.TAPPrediction.TAPPredictorFactory

Bases: object

static available_methods()

Returns a dictionary of available TAP predictors and the supported versions

Returns:dict(str, list(str)) - A dictionary of TAP predictors represented as string and supported versions